Shopping and Donating: Where the Money Goes
Gently used gems, sustainability, and unique finds are just a few of the great reasons to patronize thrift stores. But if you shop or donate to the right thrift store there may be an added bonus — building a strong community by helping less fortunate neighbors.
Why Strong Communities Matter
Early humans depended on the community for survival. We’re not all that different today. While donations from thrift stores like the Re-Store Warehouse may directly benefit those less fortunate, they also help build strong communities, which enhances life for everyone.
Strong communities help everyone build vital social connections that can even have a powerful positive impact on a person’s health. There’s scientific evidence that strong social connections can strengthen a person’s immune system, lower anxiety and depression, and even increase longevity by as much as 50 percent.
Nonprofit Versus For-Profit Thrift Stores
What many people don’t realize is that there are two different types of thrift stores: nonprofit and for-profit. A for-profit thrift store operates like any other retail store with a goal of turning a profit. Although some for-profit thrift stores donate a portion of their net profits to charity, that’s not their main focus.
A nonprofit thrift store uses its net proceeds to fund charities. For example, the Re-Store Warehouse contributes 100 percent of its net profit to local charities. That means that money generated by every donation and purchase is used to benefit local charities.
So, you can still help build a strong community, even if you aren’t in a position to make a financial contribution or volunteer for a local charity, simply by donating your gently used home improvement and household goods or shopping for treasure at a nonprofit thrift store.
While it’s nice to think of your donations and purchases as doing good in the community, understanding the specific ways they help can make donating or shopping a bit more meaningful.
With 100 percent of the net profits from Re-Store Warehouse donated to local charities, your purchases and donations add significant, even life-changing, experiences for local residents. So what can the proceeds from that dining set your great aunt gave you, and you donated — or the flooring you purchased for your house renovation — do? Lots of great things!
Re-Store Warehouse Donations
- In 2021, the Re-Store Warehouse donated more than $100,000 to Fayetteville area nonprofit organizations that provide assistance to children, adults, and families.
- In 2021 Re-Store Warehouse made more than 800 free donation pick-ups, generating over $350,000 from the sale of those donated items — furniture, appliances, building materials, kitchen and bath, windows, and doors.
- $20,000 to Fayetteville Area Operation Inasmuch, which covered the cost of a hot, nutritious breakfast for approximately 600 homeless and underserved individuals and families for six months.
- A $10,000 scholarship to the School of Hope enabled one child with autism to attend the private, specialized school at no charge.
- $50,000 to the award-winning Fayetteville Urban Ministry Find-A-Friend mentorship program, which covered the cost for approximately 33 people to participate in the program. Through wrap-around support services, the program helps keep at-risk youth fully motivated and enriched.
- In addition to donations to nonprofit organizations, the Re-Store Warehouse supports 11 employees and their families.
- In April 2022, Re-Store Warehouse donated 10 percent of all cabinet sales to send children to camp for the summer. The promotion raised $5,000, which will send ten children to summer camp free of charge!
Donating and Shopping Can Be a Win-Win!
Whether you’re decluttering or on a mission to find great bargains for your home or office, the Re-Store Warehouse is the place for you! Generous donations of goods make it a treasure trove for everything from construction materials to appliances to furniture. Best of all, your donations and shopping experience will go a long way to helping people in need in your community. Let’s work together to make our community strong.